Fraser Valley

Service Area 7
Fraser Valley

Emil Anderson Maintenance | Fraser Valley has provided highway and bridge maintenance services in the Fraser Valley since 1996. EAM employs a skilled and motivated year-round workforce and supplements with additional personnel during winter operations. We perform all aspects of highway and bridge maintenance including, but not limited to, vegetation control, drainage, sign repairs, pavement repairs, concrete and wood bridge repair, gravel surface grading, anti-icing, snow plowing, and incident and emergency response.

During the Spring and Summer months, one of the most common maintenance requests that Emil Anderson Maintenance receives is for pothole filling and repair along our roads and highways. Potholes are an unfortunate reality of any roadway and can occur at any time, even after being recently repaired. Our Fraser Valley service team is dedicated to ensuring that any road surface deficiencies are responded to within the prescribed response time according to road classification, which is typically 24-hours on numbered routes.

In addition to our own road patrols, our team also relies on travellers to help let us know what needs to be repaired as well, as potholes can develop suddenly. We ask that if you see anything that requires attention that you call us at 1-800-667-5122 (24 hours) or fill out a Road Hazard form via the form below.

The EAM management team and crews work diligently for our client, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, to provide safe conditions for the traveling public.

Report a Road Hazard

Report a Road Hazard
by phone (24-hrs)